Download gay porn film

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In 2008, they were against a proposed bill by Charles Calderon to increase the California porn tax to 25%. The decision to cast Buck Angel in a scene has been praised as a 'landmark role' in the representation of trans men in gay porn 'whose magnitude cannot be understated.' In 2005, Titan Media released a film titled Cirque Noir starring Buck Angel, marking the first time a trans man had been featured in an all-male film produced by a company specializing in gay male porn. In 2005, Titan acquired former gay pornographic studio MSR, and has been re-releasing its old videos on DVD. In 2001, the company launched a mid-priced product line under the ManPlay brand, and launched a line of products with younger men under the TitanMen Fresh label. It has grown to become one of the largest gay porn film studios. Titan Media was founded in 1995 by Bruce Cam and Robert Kirsch (1961-2001). The studio has won several gay pornographic film awards.

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Titan is owned by parent company Io Group, Inc. According to Cam, the company was created to 'Eroticize safer-sex and portray positive gay sexuality, with a wide range of men, set in the panorama of nature.' Consequently, all of its films are condoms-only, the company does not film bareback scenes. The company grew to become one of the largest producers of gay adult content in the world.

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