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Not wanting to let her know what he had seen, Seamus told her he was 'getting info about the IP and router' linked to the fan on her phone. RELATED: 'I'm still in love with the man I had an affair with' Then, after his wife went to bed, he went to his laptop, where his wife was still signed into Facebook, and began to do some digging. 'There are at least 15,000 that date back to February of last year messages, memes, flirty pics and some x-rated ones too.' 'I've been up all night reading her chats,' he confessed, adding that he also accessed her texts.

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Revealing the messages stopped three months ago, Seamus assumed his wife must have moved her affair to Snapchat, as the app was 'more discreet'. He was right he was able to access his wife's Snapchat profile and discovered that just a few nights prior he had been lying in bed with his wife while she was sending dirty messages to another man right beside him. 'I desperately want this to be a bad dream. She's told him 'I love you',' Seamus revealed. 'She's literally throwing away our life for this.

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